Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall list #3


1. accolade- an award, praise
2. acerbity-harshness or severity
3. attrition-reduction or decrease in numbers,size, or strength
4. bromide-a platitude or trite saying
5. chauvinist- a person who believes that the other gender is better
6. chronic- constant or habitual
7. expound- to explain or interpret
8. factionalism- self interest
9. immaculate-free from flaw or errors
10. imprecation-cursing
11. ineluctable- inescapable
12. mercurial- changeable
13. palliate-to relieve or lessen with out curing
14. protocol- customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality
15. resplendent - shining brightly
16. stigmatize- set mark of disgrace or infamy
17. sub rosa- privately
18. vainglory- pride over ones own achievements
19. vestige-visible evidence
20. volition- act of willing


1.  The girl help the old lady with out reserving an accolade.
2. It is weird seeing the food critic say some thing good about a restaurant.
3. The red cross club has a high rate of attrition because they all left to go to the animal lovers club.
4. The old bromide should be questioned.
5. The chauvinist are standing for what they believe in. 
6. The chronic back pain won't let Joan sleep.
7. Their is no need to expound your personal life because it is none of my business.
8. Factionalism once ruled the day.
9. The immaculate essay that Rose wrote was perfect. 
10. The couple are yelling imprecations at one another.
11. The ineluctable power of love that no one can understand.
12. The collar is mercurial because it adjusts to the size of the dogs neck.
13. Medicine is suppose to palliate disease and other illnesses
14. Their are no reliable protocols anywhere.
15. Her comes the resplendent woman from the car.
16. We don't want to stigmatize those with disorders.
17.  The sub rosa couple don't like to share their personal lives with others.
18. Is someone's wealth a sign of their vainglory.
19. The foot print on the floor is a vestige of an animal that once lived. 
20. People should do their own work by their own volition.

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