Monday, September 10, 2012

Vocab definitions and sentences


  1. acumen - keen insight
  2. adjudicate - to determine.
  3. anachronism - something or someone that is not in its correct historical time.
  4. apocryphal - of doubtful authenticity.
  5. disparity - inequality
  6. dissimulate - to disguise a false appearance.
  7. empirical - guided by experience/experiment
  8. flamboyant - strikingly bold or brilliant
  9. fulsome - offensive to good taste ;overdone
  10. immolate - to sacrifice something
  11. imperceptible - very slight
  12. lackey- a servile follower
  13. liaison - a person who initiates such a contact/connection.
  14. monolithic - consisting of one piece; solid
  15. mot juste - the exact, appropriate word
  16. nihilism - total rejection of established laws/ institutions.
  17.  patrician - a person of noble or high rank;
  18. propitiate - to make favorably inclined;
  19. sic -to incite to attack
  20. sublimate -to make nobler

  1.  His presidential speech acumen won him the presidency.
  2.  The court made adjudicate claims against the criminal.
  3.  The anachronism in the story made it hard to understand what is going on in the story.
  4.  An apocryphal story about the mayors family.
  5.  The people on the show had a disparity on how they should do their assignment.
  6.  The young singer was raised to dissimulate her life long dream to become a singer
  7.  The empirical was used to show how different her life would be if she did not go to college
  8. The flamboyant personality made the girl stand out from the rest of the students.
  9. She was so fulsome when she saw that the people that she loved were happy.
  10. The Aztec used to immolate people in order to show respect to the gods.
  11.  The thoughts she was having during class was imperceptible to any other student.
  12. The lackey of the group was easy to convince to do something because she would go along with anything.
  13. The liaison boy wanted to maintain contact with both new friends as well as his old friends.
  14. The case became a monolithic once they had the DNA.
  15. The mot juste for the main character is bravery.
  16. Her nihilistic point of view should what kind of person she is.
  17. The patrician said that he wanted all of the criminals to have a fair trial.
  18. Trying to put a stop to it he tried to propitiate the angry people of the society.
  19. The police dogs sensed danger so they sicened in order to do their job.
  20. The old woman tried to sublimate her aches and pains by distracting herself.

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