Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pre-Will questions

        a)   What do you know about Hamlet, the "Melancholy Dane"? 
- I know that Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare. It is one of his most famous pieces although that it is his longest. His play is tragedy which is about hamlet is trying to get revenge on his uncle.
b) What do you know about Shakespeare? 
                - Shakespeare is well known all over the world for his unique style of writing. His poems were one of a kind. He would use that iambic pentameter, which you only use ten syllables. He has also written Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.  
 c) Why do so many students involuntarily frown when they hear the name "Shakespeare"? 
-Usually when people think of Shakespeare they think of an old man’s work that is very difficult to understand. The style that he uses can be difficult to understand because of the language. The language is different; it isn’t like how it is now days.
d) What can we do to make studying this play an amazing experience we'll never forget?
                - To make studying this play more exciting and unforgettable we can reenact it. I think that it is such a great idea we can all have a part in it. It can be easier for use to actually understand. Most likely not all of us will understand it with Shakespeare style of writing and this can help them fully understand it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vocabulary #7

Definitions :

Aberration: unsoundness of disorder of the mind
Ad hoc: for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application
Bane: harm or ruin
Bathos: the sudden appearance of the commonplace
Cantankerous: difficult to deal with
Casuistry: a resolving of specific cases of conscience, duty
De facto: in reality
Depredation: act of plundering/pillaging
Empathy: action of understanding( feelings)
Harbinger: a person sent ahead
Hedonism: the doctrine that pleasures/happiness is good in life
Lackluster: lacking in sheen,dull
Malcontent: one who bears a grudge from a sense of grievance
Mellifluous: smooth rich flow
Nepotism: favoritism based on kinship
Pander: to provide gratification for others’ desires
Peccadillo: a slight offense
Piece de resistance: an outstanding item/ event
Remand: to send back to another court or agency
Syndrome: a group of signs symptoms that characterize a particular condition

1. To Joan a low grade in a class was an aberration
2. Sarah had to make some ad hoc changes to her plan after high school because she couldn't afford it.
3. The fire caused bane to the houses that surrounded it.
4. The novel jenny is reading of full of bathos
5. The cantankerous child was sent to the office for his bad behavior.
6. The casuistry he saw was bad to the society.
7. People believe that everyone will get a happy ever after but de facto try all don't
8. The depredation is when something is being wasted
9. empathy was shown by the psychologist because she understood what she was feeling.
10. The harbinger saw what the witch was hiding in her room.
11. The trip to Peru became an exercise in heedless hedonism
12. The lackluster in the environment is plain and the same all around.
13. Being a complainer he had a reputation of being malcontent
14. Janet has a mellifluous voice when she sings.
15. The nepotism has hurt the environment of the work
16. Being a pander it was one his record forever.
17. The women was peccadillo when they stereotyped her because of her race.
18. Mark's piece de resistance was when his first child was born.
19. remand
20. The syndrome that Jill is fetal alcohol syndrome.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Sentences :
OBSEQUIOUS-marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
beatitude-a state of utmost bliss
bete noire-a person or thing strongly detested or avoided
bode-to announce beforehand
dank-unpleasantly moist or wet
ecumenical- worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
fervid- very hot
fetid- having a heavy offensive smell
gargantuan-: tremendous in size, volume,
heyday- high spirits
incubus- nightmare
infrastructure- the underlying foundation or framework ( usually system or organization)
inveigle- to win over by wiles
kudos- praise given for achievement
lagniappe- small gift
prolix- using an excess of words , to long
protege - : one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence
prototype-An original type, form, or instance serving as a basis or standard for later stages.
sycophant- suck up ; teacher's pet
tautology- Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.
truckle-A small wheel or roller; a caster.

1. Mary was followed by her obsequious boyfriend because he was very jealous.
2. The mans kindness is beatitude.
3. Jose is the bête noire of the group.
4. This crime could bode for everyone who was involved.
5. Due to the dank it make the fruit rotten quicker.
6.the Christian church ecumenical there religion
7. The fervid speech the principle said to the student got their attention on there education.
8. In heyday, the fair was a way to entertain the community.
9. The incubus of the little boy wouldn't let him sleep.
10. The Evans family have to spend money on repairing infrastructure.
11. Jane inveigled joe to write the teacher an anonymous letter of the bad situation.
12. The boy received a kudos for receiving the highest award possible at school.
13. The grandma gave her granddaughter an lagniappe every time she visits.
14. The teachers speech was unnecessarily prolix.
15. He was a protege of the great composer.
16. The newly married couple tested the prototype of the car.
17. The sycophant student would anything to please their teacher like bringing them gifts and doing extra work.
18. An example of tautology is the beginner just started his job today.
19 The tears trickled down her cheek when she Ws sad about the passing of her aunt.
20 The fetid odor of the swamp was horrible.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Vocab definitions and sentences


  1. acumen - keen insight
  2. adjudicate - to determine.
  3. anachronism - something or someone that is not in its correct historical time.
  4. apocryphal - of doubtful authenticity.
  5. disparity - inequality
  6. dissimulate - to disguise a false appearance.
  7. empirical - guided by experience/experiment
  8. flamboyant - strikingly bold or brilliant
  9. fulsome - offensive to good taste ;overdone
  10. immolate - to sacrifice something
  11. imperceptible - very slight
  12. lackey- a servile follower
  13. liaison - a person who initiates such a contact/connection.
  14. monolithic - consisting of one piece; solid
  15. mot juste - the exact, appropriate word
  16. nihilism - total rejection of established laws/ institutions.
  17.  patrician - a person of noble or high rank;
  18. propitiate - to make favorably inclined;
  19. sic -to incite to attack
  20. sublimate -to make nobler

  1.  His presidential speech acumen won him the presidency.
  2.  The court made adjudicate claims against the criminal.
  3.  The anachronism in the story made it hard to understand what is going on in the story.
  4.  An apocryphal story about the mayors family.
  5.  The people on the show had a disparity on how they should do their assignment.
  6.  The young singer was raised to dissimulate her life long dream to become a singer
  7.  The empirical was used to show how different her life would be if she did not go to college
  8. The flamboyant personality made the girl stand out from the rest of the students.
  9. She was so fulsome when she saw that the people that she loved were happy.
  10. The Aztec used to immolate people in order to show respect to the gods.
  11.  The thoughts she was having during class was imperceptible to any other student.
  12. The lackey of the group was easy to convince to do something because she would go along with anything.
  13. The liaison boy wanted to maintain contact with both new friends as well as his old friends.
  14. The case became a monolithic once they had the DNA.
  15. The mot juste for the main character is bravery.
  16. Her nihilistic point of view should what kind of person she is.
  17. The patrician said that he wanted all of the criminals to have a fair trial.
  18. Trying to put a stop to it he tried to propitiate the angry people of the society.
  19. The police dogs sensed danger so they sicened in order to do their job.
  20. The old woman tried to sublimate her aches and pains by distracting herself.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Beowulf ond Godsylla

Meanehwæl, baccat meaddehæle, monstær lurccen;
Fulle few too many drincce, hie luccen for fyht.
Ðen Hreorfneorhtðhwr, son of Hrwærowþheororthwl,
Æsccen æwful jeork to steop outsyd. Þhud! Bashe! Crasch! Beoom! Ðe bigge gye
Eallum his bon brak, byt his nose offe;
Wicced Godsylla wæld on his asse.
Monstær moppe fleor wyþ eallum men in hælle.
Beowulf in bacceroome fonecall bamaccen wæs;
Hearen sond of ruccus sæd, "Hwæt ðe helle?"
Graben sheold strang ond swich-blæd scharp
Stond feorth to fyht ðe grimlic foe. "Me," Godsylla sæd, "mac ðe minsemete."
Heoro cwyc geten heold wiþ fæmed half-nelson
Ond flyng him lic frisbe bac to fen
Beowulf belly up to meaddehæle bar,
Sæd, "Ne foe beaten mie færsom cung-fu."
Eorderen cocca-cohla yce-coeld, ðe reol þyng.

Meanwhile, back at the mead-hall, the monster lurked
Full (of) few too many drinks, he was looking for a fight
Then (name), son of (name) asked the awful jerk to step outside
Thud, Bash, Crash, boom, the big guy
All of his bones broke, bit his nose off;
Wicked Godzilla wailed on his a ss
Moster mopped the floor with all the men in the hall
Beowulf in the backroom making a phone call
Hearing sounds of ruckus said, "What the hell?"
Grabbed his strong shield and sharp switch blade
Stood forth to fight the grimlic foe
"Me," Godzilla said, "Make the mince-meat"
Hero ? quickly got (getting) held with the famed half-nelson
And flying him like a frisbee back and forth
Beowulf belly up to the mead-hall's bar,
said, "No foe has beaten my fearsome kung-fu."
He ordered coca-cola, ice cold, the real thing

Source: yahoo answers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hero's journey

I would have to say my heroes are my parents because of all the obstacles they had to overcome through out their lives. Both of my parents came from poor families and knew that that isn't the life they want to live and knew that they would have to do something themselves. My mom being the oldest in her family she had to set an example to her other siblings which made it difficult to do because she had to get a job at such young age in order to help her family out financial. As well as my dad who had to get a job at a young age in order to be able to continue with his education because his family couldn't financial help him. But unlike mom, he spent most of his child hood away from his parents because they came to the United States and left him as well as other siblings with family in Mexico for several years. They left him there in order to help his future. Which made him realize that he had to do things for himself no one will do it for him. He had to learn how to do things on his own to achieve his goal of wanting more for him self. Even though both of my parents had trouble financial thought their whole life and finally being able to live the life they wanted which was only to live comfortable and not have to struggle. They taught me that if I wanted something in life that I had to do anything in my power to accomplish.

1987 AP exam answers

  1. e
  2. a
  3. e
  4. b
  5. b
  6. c
  7. b
  8. c
  9. c
  10. d
  11. e
  12. a
  13. d
  14. b
  15. c
  16. e
  17. e
  18. d
  19. c
  20. e
  21. a
  22. b
  23. d
  24. e
  25. e
  26. b
  27. c
  28. d
  29. a
  30. c
  31. c
  32. c
  33. e
49 e
50 b
51 b
52 b
53 c
54 a
56 b
57  d
58 a
59 e
60 b

Vocab list #4

apostate-person who commits to religion, etc
effusive-marked by excessive emotion
impasse- a situation with excessive emotion
euphoria: happiness and self-confidence.
lugubrious: mournful, and gloomy
bravado: a pretentious
consensus: majority of opinion
dichotomy: break up into two parts
constrict: to slow or shrink
gothic: to do with a style of architecture
punctilio: a fine point, particular, or detail, as of conduct, ceremony,
metamorphosis: transformation
raconteur: to tell
sine qua non: an indispensable condition, element
quixotic: visionary, impractical, or impracticable
vendetta: bitter feud, Troy
quagmire: anything soft/flabby
parlous: dangerous

* The girl became an apostate to her church after singing her sick mother.
* The men from the association offered effusive thanks for those who went to the meeting.
*Joan faced an impasse in her life after her husband died.
* The medicine the doctor prescribed gave her feelings of euphoria.
* The man got the acting job because of his lugubrious way.
* She would always speak about her life with bravado.
*They based the answer on the consensus.
* The story talks about the dichotomy between traditional and modern.
*Snakes constrict their prey before they eat it.
*The college student decided gothic architecture.
*Roberto was very punctilious to spread the word of new ideas.
*You can see the little boy metamorphosis from a boy to a man.
* The raconteur entertained people with his interesting stories.
*Patience is a sine qua non for a teaching job.
* Brittany had quixotic thoughts on how her life would in the future.
* The vendetta between California and Nevada are ridiculous.
*Charles was taking abiut his classes when he threw in some non sequitur about his likings of birds.
*The mystique of rock climbing.
*The outcast of the neighborhood was by himself in a quagmire position not know what to do.
* The factor is in a parlous production situation.

Monday, September 3, 2012

AP reading list choice/reason

I chose the novel, The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros because of the cultural aspect the book is based upon. I can easily relate to this book because it is about a young Chicana goal trying to reach her goals although she faces everyday problems such as poverty and lack of inspiration. Despite her everyday challenges she holds her head up high and hopes for the best future for herself.