Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seventh reading

My love, if I die and you don't--, by Pablo Neruda

My love, if you die and I don't--,
let's not give grief an even greater field.
No expanse is greater than where we live.

Dust in the wheat, sand in the deserts,
time, wandering water, the vague wind
swept us like sailing seeds.
We might not have found one another in time.

This meadow where we find ourselves,
O little infinity! we give it back.
But Love, this love has not ended:

just as it never had a birth, it has
no death: it is like a long river,
only changing lands, and changing lips.

Pablo Neruda poem My Love,if I die and you don't , is about how ones love never ends. Their love is internal the only thing that changes is the location , but not the love they have for one another. When one of them dies it is just a temporary a separation until they unite again.

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